Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Watched Boogie Nights Tonight

Well, I watched the edited for TV version, but that still sort of counts, right? Anyway, while watching it I had many thoughts, one of which was that I would have really jived with disco. I actually said that. Out loud. To my roommate. I'm such a fucking weirdo sometimes; I legitimately worry myself. Some other thoughts I had were about how amazing '70s porno names were and whether porn "actors" still have fun names. Because I didn't feel like doing the kind of research necessary to answer that question, I just made up a bunch of porn names myself*. If you are an aspiring porno starlet/studlet, please feel free to borrow one of these, but I expect some sort of royalties.

Porno Names:
-Tiffani Lalane
-Sheree Bandeau
-Jock McHart
-Picabu Street
-Dash Hightower
-Destiny Childs (this is also an effective drag name)
-Rick Maxfield
-Tina Shine
-Crystal Jaggers
-Megan Foxx
-Gina Jones
-Shane Skyy
-Trip Scott
-Scot Tripp
-Mandy Pepper
-Ryan Seacrest
-Chassidy Lyles

*Any similarities with actual people's names are purely coincidental. Also, I'm sorry your parents gave you a porn star name and you decided to keep it instead of changing it when you got famous even though your manager probably told you it sounded like a porn star name.

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