Well, as I drunkenly blathered in my last post, I've moved to New York. It's really great, and by "really great" I mean I'm bored out of my mind. I love living in the city, but being unemployed may actually be as soul-deadening as having an office job. Except that not only am I bored, but I'm too poor to do anything. I can't even go to the movies after noon, because I don't have the $13.50 for a matinee (before noon, though, tickets are $6, chicka yeah). Mostly we just watch a lot of TV. We're actually watching TV right now. We generally favor Law and Order SVU, which is what we're watching right now.
It's a really great episode about a "musician" who thinks he's a vampire. He has followers who allow him to suck their blood, or steal blood from the blood banks where they work, because he's scared of getting HIV from sucking random people's blood. It's especially entertaining to watch Olivia read his lyrics in the most serious, non-humorous voice ever. I like it because it's kind of like leaving the apartment, without actually leaving the apartment. I don't even have to put on pants.
Now that I've started rambling, I think it's best that I go, don't want to scare off my avid fans. Is anyone even reading this?
Going to go hump the fridge.
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