While most people in the country will spend this Friday putting the final touches on their Halloween costumes, I will be on a beach on St. Simons Island, Georgia drinking beer and generally causing a scene. It's finally that time of year once again: GEORGIA v. FLORIDA. I'm not saying this is better than Christmas, but isn't it? The Friday before the game is the one day of the year that hundreds of UGA students get together simply to celebrate being Georgia students. Well, that's not entirely true, but it's the only time we all get together on a beach. It's the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party; how could that not be fun? Actually, it's "frat beach", but as I'm not going to Jacksonville, the actual home of the WLOCP, I'm just going to pretend that SSI is the Cocktail Party (honestly, it's better). Some people opt to go other places on the three day weekend that Michael F. Adams calls our "fall break," but I just can't resist the idea of drinking beer on the beach with 5000 of my closest friends. Who cares that our football team is not exactly top notch? I'm really not going for the football (not to say that I don't love to watch the Dawgs, I just love AC more), hence the no Jacksonville. Why would I pay to ride a bus and sweat all day in the sticky Florida heat amongst thousands of jort-clad Gator fans when I could be sitting in an air-conditioned bar with fellow Bulldog fans? Honestly, the Dawgs might be able to pull out a W, but if and when they do, I'd rather be surrounded by Georgia fans; you never know if one of those swamp dwellers is carrying a rusty shank, and I personally don't want to be around to find out. So, if you're looking to have quite possibly the best weekend of your life, head down to SSI this weekend. Or you can regret it for the rest of your life; it's really up to you.
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